Hi and welcome to my brand new page! This page is solely dedicated to all new Celica, which the car has just recently launched. As in my old page, either huge Toyota or Celica fans, this is a must-visited page. And also, this page is 100% New Celica page. This page will reveal all the info about new Celica I retained from various
resources. So be sure to check back this page for more updates. If you liked my page, please bookmark it! Please enjoy browsing this page and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.

18 October 1999
Australian launch of new Celica marked by the car's launch at Sydney International Motor Show. Will this car take lead in the sports car market?
Click here for details

18 October 1999
Finally finished! My hard work of creating this new page is done. I am hoping this page will display as many information on new Celica as I get. I am expecting lots of visitor will visit this page. Though my old page have been left untouched, it's still up!
Just stay tuned for more details! Hopefully you'll find wealthy new Celica information here. Don't forget to bookmark my page!

18 October 1999
Raging Red - Cuts Like A Knife
Driving the sharpest Celica ever. No longer is Celica the Claytons sports car. Discovered, the seventh generation has the performance to match its sharp, fast looks.
Click here for details
18 October 1999
Thrill - Celica
A Celica with stonk? To find out, we sent our man in the States on a world-first drive of Toyota's latest incarnation.
Click here for details
